Tuesday, February 3, 2015

10 Things You Should Avoid Doing When Decorating

Each home is unique so decorating it is a very personal thing. Every choice and decision you make needs to be based on facts and preferences. So instead of giving you advice on how you should decorate your home without knowing all the details, we’ve decided it’s better to tell you what not to do. There are many mistakes people usually make when decorating their homes and they live to regret it so here are some tips that could help you.
Don’t choose trends over timeless.
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Trends come and go so invest in a piece that’s trendy right now is not very smart. Try instead to invest on pieces that look great regardless of the trends, timeless designs and versatile accessories.

Don’t paint before you furnish.
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Paint is available in every color imaginable so it’s better to leave this choice for later. Before you choose the paint color, choose other elements like the carpeting, the furniture, the fabric, etc. These are elements restricted by color and other things.
Don’t make your favorite color the main one.
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Your favorite color shouldn’t be the main color for the interior design. It should be an accent shade. This way it stands out more and it’s better highlighted. Your favorite color should pop instead of disappearing in the background.
Don’t make things match.
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Sometimes things don’t fit the way they should. In such cases, it’s best not to make things match just because you have them. For example, just because two pieces have the same color doesn’t mean that they go well together.
Don’t choose colors on the spot.
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Deciding on colors or fabric on the first trip to the store is not a very good idea. You should always ask for samples to take home with you and to see exactly how they would look like in that particular environment.
Don’t push all your furniture against the walls.
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Unless you have no other choice, don’t let the furniture hug the walls. Try instead to group up the pieces for a more comfortable atmosphere. The center of the room shouldn’t be empty.
Don’t obstruct access.
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You need to be very careful when placing the furniture in a room. It’s important not to create barriers. So make sure the chairs don’t incommode anyone trying to pass through that area and never obstruct access to traffic areas.
Don’t keep things you don’t like.
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Sometimes people tend to keep things in the house simply because they feel that they should. Just because you’ve inherited something or because someone gave you an item as a gift doesn’t mean that you have to keep it in the house. Throw away anything you don’t like or need.
Don’t display everything you have.
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If you’re a collector or if you have lots of personal things that can be displayed doesn’t mean you have to showcase them all. Too many personal items can ruin the atmosphere and the décor. So be selective and choose the most important ones.
Don’t settle for something you’re not crazy about.
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Never settle for something just because it’s a little cheaper or more convenient. If you truly love something, find a way to include it in your home’s décor. So dare to be bold and to have things that you love or you’ll regret it later.
Picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

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